Wednesday, August 20, 2008

AGR+ Gay Marriage

The Pompotous touched earlier on the issue of gay marriage in a rather rough sort of rant. Over at Pharyngula a similar topic showed up while PZ was on a trip (the problem is we exist). And there were a few comments made about the appropriateness of a "gay" issue being on a science and atheism blog.

"Science" isn't a collection of facts and hierarchies of description. (I'm sure all of you can sympathize with the "it's JUST a theory!" crap the vomit-bags shout about evolution. Yeah, so is gravity, dimwit, how about stepping off a tall building?)

Science is about reasoning and investigating and continuing to explore the universe to reduce our inherent attenuated grasp of reality. It is a wonderful thing. The people who are "against" homosexuality suffer from AGR. Most of them (if not almost all) base their arguments on religious prejudices.

The exact same reasoning methods that demonstrate atheism to be the lowest AGR viewpoint on religion also demonstrate that gender discrimination in marriage contracts is a high AGR viewpoint, and as such should be opposed by atheists and scientists.

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