Monday, April 13, 2009

Getting close to getting a camera phone

Those of you who know the Pompotous know that I an ancient cell phone on a pay as you go plan, because I hate phones. With a passion. I am, however, being tempted to get a new phone, one that can snap pictures. Because every day that I go out into the Jackson, Mississippi world I see things that few would believe who haven't been here.

How about the two big faces of the clocks at the MS Ag Museum? Both faces have the wrong time. Or the giant exterminator's truck with the huge statue of a roach in the back? By itself just cheesy, but the truck -- giant bug and all -- had been repainted red white and blue, with "Fight socialism now, teabag Obama!" on the side.

The rusted, custom stretch limo Continental painted white, orange and green, covered in "God" and "Delivery Vehicle" and the name of some Italian food place.

The moron parents at the daycare who don't understand 1) what blocking the driveway means and why you aren't supposed to do it and 2.) how to park parallel to the lines on the driveway. C'mon, it's not rocket science, people, it is just pulling straight into a parking space!

How about a Christian Sporting Store. What the fuck do they sell there, lions? Hmm, that's a good idea. If Christians are going to complain about persecution maybe we ought to persecute a few to demonstrate that disagreement, or not letting them impose their insanity on others, isn't persecution.

So, yeah, I want a phone, because I'm not sure people who live in the United States understand what it is like in Mississippi.

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